Monday, September 7, 2009


I have never given much thought whether my family would be considered "normal". But, apparently activities that I enjoy with my sons are not run of the mill activities for most families. I have been sky diving twice and would have gone the third time, but the planes were grounded due to heavy clouds. The first time I sky dived was also the first time for both my boys. The instructor was quite surprised that mom and boys were jumping. My youngest loved it and now skydives when he can. My second time to skydive was when he graduated from West Point. He jumped right before I made the tandem jump and we have a cool DVD of the jump. I visited him a couple of weeks ago in North Carolina and we went to the wind tunnel. He has a membership and goes almost daily. He also skydives almost daily. I got to go in the tunnel and loved it. It's probably a good thing that there are no wind tunnels near here. I don't know if I could afford it. Both of my sons like to go to paintball with me. And they are brutal. A friend of my youngest told me that I was lucky to be his mom because he wouldn't try to kill me. Ha! I'm the first one he shoots. And honestly, if he wasn't such a quick kid, I would have taken him out! I'm not sure what "normal" moms do with their kids, but I wouldn't change the things I do with mine. I may be "vieja" (the little brat's word for me), but I have fun. And so do they.


sisser said...

Sista, I think it's great you do these things with your boys. I wish these two kids here were as adventurous as yours. Besides, who decided what is "normal"?

Darla said...

I agree with Sisser....who decides what is normal?

Reina, your a great mom and grandma..being close to your kids (even though they are grown) is great! I am still close to my kids and we also have a great relationship.

If anyone deserved an award for "Great Mom", I'd have to vote you in!