Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another Saturday

Here it is, the Saturday before Memorial Day and I can't leave town even if I wanted to. Why? Because I am on call, which means I have to have my cell phone with me at all times and be available in case there is an emergency, ie. a run away is found and needs placement or a placement is falling apart. But, I also am going in to work to monitor a visit for two hours today. The judge has ordered that this family have visits for two hours daily so that the mother can nurse her baby. I think that's great for bonding. Anyway, that's how my work is going today. I also am going to check on my friend's cats as she went to Corpus this weekend for a wedding. I thought about doing some yard work, but since I need to look (and smell) decent when I go in for my couple of hours, I decided against it. The yard will be there tomorrow, you say. Yes, it will, but I'm sure I can come up with another excuse not to do any work. I am a good procrastinator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sista, the yard will there tomorrow but today you get to touch a life. I am in awe of you my friend.