Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What do you think?

I was talking with a friend about how slow the forums have been. Is it the fault of Facebook? Facebook does seem to take a lot of time, but I don't think it can take the place of forums and blogs. Of course, if I spent as much time blogging as I do facebooking, I might run out of things to say. The way I see it, forums and blogs allow one to analyze, debate and consider things in depth. Facebook is more of a snapshot of what you may have on your mind at any particular moment in addition to socializing and playing games. I like the fact that I can stay in touch with family, friends and even ex-inlaws on facebook that I haven't seen in awhile. I couldn't tell you the political or religious views of most of my friends on facebook. And that's okay. The forums cover that.
That's what I think. What do you think?


Darla said...

I spend alot of time on Farmville and of course I post on FB only to keep up with friends/family. However, personal thoughts and conversations are totally out for me on FB. There are somethings that you just don't post on FB, like you do on a private forum or blog. I faithfully visit three blogs and post on them because I like to keep up (with one of them being yours) and then I post on three forums.

FB hasn't totally taken the place of the forums and I don't think it ever will. Maybe it's just the summer months coming up and everyone is getting out and enjoying the weather!

Karen said...

I agree with Darla. I use FB as a quick way to chat with someone (like a phone text), but my blog is my day to day life. (some of it quite boring to most people)

Forum or message boards go through "slow" periods. Especially when the weather warms up and people can get outside or have more activities going on.

Sisser said...

I agree with the ladies. I use FB to keep up with old friends and family. I also pay Family Feud on it. I belong to 4 forums and daily post on 3. I can say I've met the best people on the forums and not so much on FB.
Th forums do slow down once in awhile, I believe we tend to take breaks from them just to get things in perspective.