Saturday, June 7, 2008

Busy, busy

Wow, Summer is here, but I don't feel like I have slowed down for a minute. Today is the first day I've gotten home before midnight in the last several days. Work isn't slowing down and I've had some good times with some good friends. So, I guess I'm not complaining, but I do need to take some me time just to rest and relax. I thought I might mow today, but after picking up tree limbs, the heat of the day was bringing me down. Also, my son called to ask me to come over to see my granddaughter before she heads to Michigan for the Summer. That turned into an all day affair as the three of us did some running around town spending my money. Oh, what fun. But that is a different story for a different day. Have fun in Michigan, sweetie. Your BFF (me) will be thinking of you often.


Anonymous said...

Sista, I've missed seeing you online. Hope you get some down time soon. So you are going to be short one granddaughter this summer.. bummer. Hope she has a great time.

Reinagirl said...

Thanks, sista. She loves going to Michigan. Her grandparents have a swimming pool. But she told me she will miss me while she is gone. She's a great girl.