Monday, September 29, 2008

This N That

It's amazing how just when I'm feeling down, someone will do something nice for me. I think I have some of the best friends (and they do know who they are.) Not only do they know when I need a pick me up, they don't mind when I get a little snippy. Not that I am snippy, but we all have our days. I just hope that I return the favor when needed.

I think I need a vacation. I know I went to Florida, but that wasn't a vacation, even though I did enjoy the trip. I'm ready to get away from work for a few days and just relax. I'd even like to come up to Canada for chunky dunking in the winter, sista.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sista, you are more than welcome to come up and chunky dunk any season. It is great to have friends that can lift our spirits. I know I've found a few at the hideaway.
Take a few days off, sista and go somewhere you know you will enjoy and be able to relax.