Monday, January 28, 2008


I enjoy chatting with wonderful friends I have made on one of the boards. We have a chat room that has really been hopping lately with ten or more members in the last couple of nights. Unfortunately, with that many in the room and all of us talking and visiting I don't always get a chance to read everything everyone says or to respond to everything. It can get a bit confusing also. Once in a while a new chatter will come in and have a difficult time keeping up due to the speed of the chatting and the quick change of topics. I was discussing this tonight with one of my friends in the chat room. Her motto is, Just jump right in. Brandy, you are absolutely right. It's hard for new folks to get started. I went through that when I first started chatting. But, it is worth it to get your feet wet. All new chatters are welcome. I hope we regulars don't seem rude or unapproachable. I think we get caught up in our individual chats sometimes and forget that new chatters are in the room. I am going to work on being more cognizant of that. Of course, being me, I will probably have to be reminded time and again of this goal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sista, you and Brandy are so right. I remember coming in to chat and thinking dang I'll never be able to keep up. I've watched and I think we do try to acknowledge newcomers into the room.