Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ahhh, politics. Don't you love it? Things are heating up and I find the debate very interesting. For the record, I am pretty conservative and wouldn't vote for Obama if you paid me to. I had already pretty well decided that I would vote for McCain even though there are many things I don't like about him. Now that he has chosen a virtual unknown for his running mate, things are getting very interesting. I will sit back and watch the fireworks from both sides. No matter who wins, this will be an election to remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sista, I'm the same way. But that is always the case with people at election time. I too will vote McCain while not being happy with some of his policy ideas. I like his choice of a running mate, she is new to the national scene and I think that is what we need. It will an interesting election for sure.